Rollers Model RA

The Model RA, compacting with rollers for soil preparation.

Technical data
Product allocation

The Model RA, compacting with rollers for soil preparation. Built with plouging widths from 1.8 Mtrs. to 11 Mtrs., with 430 and 330 mm. wheels.

Mounted on sealed bearings.

Three-way formation Model TRTH, built with ploughing widths 7 Mtrs. to 11 Mtrs., equipped with hydraulic transport equipment series.

Three-way formation, built with ploughing widths 5.50 Mtrs. to 9 Mtrs., no transport equipment.

Technical data
Width of Work mm. Weight Aprox.
Power CV
1.800 374 30 - 40
2.000 535 40 - 50
2.500 696 60 - 70
3.000 865 80 - 90
3.500 950 90 - 100
4.000 1.145 100 - 110
4.500 1.250 110 - 120
7.000 2.744 120 - 130
8.000 2.960 130 - 150
9.000 3.175 160 - 180
10.000 3.395 190 - 220
11.000 3.650 240 - 280

The measures and weights indicated in the table are approximate, depend on the configuration options and Rulo.

Product allocation

They are manufactured in widths from 1.8 Mtrs. up to 11 Mtrs.

Equipped with maintenance free sealed bearings.

Provided with rollers of 330 mm. or 430 mm.

Optionally can be equipped with mechanical rear transport system (depending on model), transport equipment Hydraulic transport equipment online or in rotary hydraulic line.

Possibility of formation en trio.

The TRTH model is manufactured in widths 7 Mtrs. up to 11 Mtrs., comes standard with hydraulic transport equipment, hydraulic brakes, lighting equipment, etc ...

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