Pneumatic Drill Model SN

Pneumatic Drill Model SN

Technical data

The pneumatic seed drill Precision Model SN is manufactured of 4-8 bodies. Adjustable width of planting, provided with hydraulic markers series.

It has a distribution system ( Gearbox 12 speed ), getting 12 planting distances with the same dish. Easy graduation planting depth.

Sound has separate clutches in each body of planting.

Optionally the machine can be equipped with disinfection equipment soil or 

Technical data
Núm. Bodies Weight Aprox. Minimum Power CV
4 800 70 - 80
5 995 80 - 90
6 1.190 90 - 100
7 1.385 110 - 120
8 1.580 120 - 130

The weights indicated in the table are approximate and depend on the configuration options Sower.

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